South Wales Guardian - Memorials

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In Memoriam


GAVIN & AARON MATTHEWS Our precious sons 19 years today September 7th Our boys are away in the…
Published on 04/09/2024
In Memoriam

Henry Jones

JONES Henry The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, The ache in our hearts will stay. Beloved dad…
Published on 21/08/2024
In Memoriam

Gareth Lewis

GARETH LEWIS (9-8-23) Thinking of you, Gar, one year has gone. A gentle reminder that we're never…
Published on 07/08/2024
In Memoriam

Glyn Evans

GLYN EVANS (Sweetheart) A gentle reminder that we're never far apart, your spirit lives forever…
Published on 31/07/2024
In Memoriam

Andrea EVANS

EVANS Andrea Precious Birthday Memories on July 20th passed away 20th July 2015 Tears instead of…
Published on 17/07/2024
In Memoriam

Kevin Lewis

LEWIS Kevin Thinking of you still Kev, on your birthday on June 20. Always in our thoughts, never…
Published on 19/06/2024
In Memoriam

Gwyn Phillips

PHILLIPS Gwyn 25-05-2023 One year has passed our hearts still sore, as time rolls on we miss you…
Published on 22/05/2024
In Memoriam

Glyn (Sweetheart) Evans

EVANS Glyn (Sweetheart) Time cannot heal the heartache or stop a silent tear, It won't take away…
Published on 15/05/2024
In Memoriam


KEN KING A Happy 90th Birthday on the 15th May You are always in our hearts Love you so much From…
Published on 15/05/2024
In Memoriam

Matthew Lee (S135) Rees

MATTHEW LEE REES "S135" SHEP RACING 13-5-1987. 16-5-2021 God saw you getting tired And a cure was…
Published on 08/05/2024
In Memoriam

Matthew Lee Rees

MATTHEW LEE REES Sending you Birthday wishes To a much loved SON and BROTHER On his 37th birthday…
Published on 08/05/2024
In Memoriam

David Dixon

DIXON David In loving memory of David. Passed away 15th April 2022. Two years since you left us…
Published on 10/04/2024