Among my many faults are my inability to throw things out and not being able to remember where I've put the things I keep.

Usually, it's a matter of 'well, yes, I do have a prevaricator screw-driver, but I've no idea where it is.'

Then there was that business of the computer: Bob, who installed the machine a year ago, urged me to keep the several related discs somewhere safe. Last week, I spent an hour looking for the 'safe' hiding place, to no avail. Ah, well! Poor patient Bob was very good about it, but he took a lot longer to rectify the fault.

However, while I was searching for the discs in the drawers of a sideboard, I came across an old mobile phone that no longer functions. I was about to throw the phone out when caution intervened: perhaps it might come in handy for something! Bob said 'that phone's no good to you. Throw it in the bin! No wonder you can't find anything with all this clutter.' But I kept the phone anyway, when Bob wasn't watching.

Yesterday, I went to use my present mobile phone and discovered that the aerial had fallen off. I hadn't realised it was detachable! After a fruitless search for the small black pointy thing, I suddenly remembered the old phone. For once, I went straight to it; it was a new experience for me... finding something straight away. To my surprise, the aerial fitted the new phone. Wow! I feel really pleased with myself: my hoarding habits have been vindicated! The only problem is... I won't be able to throw anything away now, will I?