National parks in Wales are in a 'worrying' state according to a campaign report.

The Campaign for National Parks has conducted a health check of nature recovery in Wales’ National Parks and discovered worrying indications of struggle for nature's survival.

This check-up was carried out as the 75th anniversary of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act approaches.

Among the key findings, the health check found that only 19 per cent of lakes in Wales’ three national Parks achieved good overall status in 2021 and only 44 per cent of the rivers.

Additionally, less than a quarter of Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in National Parks in Wales are considered to be in a favourable state for nature.

Further to this, sewage released from storm overflows within the boundaries of these parks in 2022 totalled 7,367 days.

Naturalist Iolo Williams said: "The National Parks of Wales hold a very special place in my heart.

"But despite their protected status, nature is still in crisis across our National Parks.

"One in six species is at risk of disappearing from Wales so we must do everything within our power to protect and enhance wild spaces for wildlife to thrive.

"Campaign for National Parks have clearly set out a programme for action and we must stand together to get Governments in Westminster and the Senedd to act."

Ruth Bradshaw, Campaign for National Parks' policy and research manager and author of the Health Check, said: "Our National Parks are special places which are often the last refuge for many species on the brink of extinction, but our Health Check has found that, even in these incredible places, nature is in crisis."

She pointed out the limited ability to influence privately owned lands, outdated legislations, and insufficient funding as the main causes of the crisis.

Others echoed these sentiments.

Ecologist Sir John Lawton expressed support for the proposals laid out by the Campaign to restore and re-create habitats within the parks.

The full National Parks Nature Health Check can be accessed online for more detailed findings and proposals for the improvement of Wales' national parks.