Ammanford Town Council will invest £250,000 in playground equipment and new tennis courts in Ammanford Park.

Work has already begun on new tennis courts in the park, and the installation of an improved playground will start in April.

However, the council precept is set to rise by £5.38 a month for Band D properties as this element of local tax will become similar to other towns around Carmarthenshire to secure Ammanford’s financial future.

Councillor Calum Higgins, chair of the council's finance committee, said: “The public have been crying out for investment in the park, and the new councillors from 2022 have acted as quickly as possible to find the money and do the correct procurement process.”

“What's become apparent is that the previous financial management of the town has been left wanting, and our reserves had been depleted.” 

“We've asked the public to pay slightly more in their local taxes to bring us into line with towns of a similar size. Our case is that if we want first class facilities, we need to pay for it.”

“Our thanks go to the Lawn Tennis Association who have also provided a proportion of external funding for the tennis courts, with match funding from the Town Council. This was an offer we couldn't refuse and will secure the tennis courts long term future.

“Together this investment of £250,000 will increase footfall in the town, by bringing people into town to use the Park, splash pad, and tennis courts.”

“Our hope is that once again residents will have facilities to draw them in to Ammanford and local businesses will benefit from the buzz around the park.”

A council meeting was held on Monday with members approving its largest budget ever, following more than four years of no or minimal rises in the precept, which proved unsustainable.

Council members also expressed their disappointment that unpopular decisions such as raising taxes were not made sooner so they could offer better investment in the community due to the council’s limited reserves.

Since the 2022 elections, the council’s priority has been to ensure the legal requirements of producing accounts and audits are done correctly, before signing big contacts.

Ammanford Town Council are grateful to their local community for being patient while new members of the council have campaigned for necessary changes.

Despite this investment, which could lead to rising material costs and inflation pressures, the Ammanford Big Day Out and Christmas Lights Switch-On will still go ahead later this year.