On World Book Day, the minister for education and Welsh language, Jeremy Miles, announced the Welsh Government's support for a new Welsh language, digital reading platform, Darllen Co.

He believes the platform can be used as a tool for facilitating reading in Welsh among teachers, parents and children, even when they may not be fully confident with the language.

Offering a contemporary, fresh approach, Darllen Co will allow users to read Welsh books and listen to them at the same time. A website is being developed which would provide definitions and pronunciations when required.

So far, Darllen Co is reportedly used by 70 per cent of schools across Wales and more than 40,000 individuals.

It was introduced to primary school children, teachers and parents through the Welsh Language Technology Hacathon, funded by the Welsh Government through M-Sparc.

The minister said: "The Welsh language belongs to us all, and this resource gives more people access to contemporary Welsh language books and is a fun way of introducing Welsh literature to children."

Former primary teacher and founder of Darllen Co, Alex Knott, expressed his excitement about the widespread positive acceptance of the platform and the prospect of unveiling new features come September.