COUNCILLORS have backed three plans to address some of the biggest issues in the county.

Neath Port Talbot Council’s social services, housing and community safety cabinet board has endorsed three strategies which will see them ‘do things differently’ to address issues in housing and homelessness, adult social care and children and young people’s social care.

The first plan is the Housing and Homelessness Strategic Plan 2024/27 (A Place to Call Home) which aims to prevent homelessness, increase access to appropriate, affordable housing and to support people with social care needs to live well in their communities.

The council said that there has been a 108 per cent increase in households needing temporary accommodation due to homelessness since 2019/20 and if the demand continues to rise, around 2,233 households could be homeless each year by 2027/28. This would cost the council £4.4m.

The plan aims to reduce the homelessness figure by delivering more preventative support for households and supporting those who are homeless to get a new home as quickly as possible. It will also increase access to affordable housing by working with social landlords to create new affordable homes. The council will also work to getting its own portfolio of houses. The full strategy can be seen at

Cllr Alun Llewelyn, deputy council leader, said: “This will help address a housing crisis which is not only affecting this county borough and Wales but also the UK as a whole. We will also continue to make the case for social housing here to be properly funded by central government.”

The second strategy is the Adult Social Care Strategy 2023-26 (Living the Life I Want) which will help support unpaid carers, promoting assistive technology, building relationships and using more prevention and early intervention. It will also encourage volunteering. More than 2,150 adults in the county are receiving one or more social care services with nearly 900 in residential or nursing care, 700 receiving domiciliary care, 400 receiving direct payments, around 400 with learning disabilities, more than 100 with a mental health condition and 150 with a physical disability, all of whom are receiving some form of care and support. In 2024, the council will spend around £99m delivering its adult social care programme. The strategy can be seen in full at

Councillor Jo Hale, cabinet member for adult social services and health said: “Increasing demand and tightening budgets will add pressures onto services. It’s therefore vital we make the best use of resources to meet people’s needs. This means focusing on delivering services differently to prevent delay and needs from escalating; as well as delivering and commissioning the services people need in the most cost-effective way.”

The third strategy is the Children and Young People Social Care Strategic Plan 20-23-2026 (Valuing Our Children’s Future) which will help create an environment that works for all children, young people and families. It will see the council co-create, co-produce and commission services for children, young people and families, making sure they get the right support at the right time. The full strategy can be seen at

Councillor Sian Harris, cabinet member for children and families, added: “There are more than 142,000 people living in NPT. It is estimated around 28,200 of these are under 18. The council spends more than £23.3m, about 6.9% of its total budget, on Children’s Social Care. This strategy will have a collaborative approach and will aim to empower the voices of children, families and communities.”

The strategies come as the council is considering a number of budget cuts and council tax rises in order to balance its own budget.