A CARMARTHENSHIRE war veteran has celebrated his 100th birthday at home where he continues to thrive with support from a west Wales care team.

Reginald Pye is a veteran of the Second World War who took part in the D-Day operations in Normandy as part of the 224 Field Company, Royal Engineers, and since his service, he has been inspiring people across the UK and in France.

He frequently visits France and last went in 2022, speaking to children about the D-Day landings and his experiences during the war. He received a number of videos and pictures from the children in France to wish him happy birthday.

Reggie – as he is affectionately known – is a user of the Delta CONNECT service and has regular calls with Delta Wellbeing’s team member Vicky Honeybun as part of the service. To celebrate his milestone birthday, Reggie was with family and friends at home and received a surprise visit from Vicky who provided a card, cake and balloons on behalf of Delta Wellbeing.

“As I was welcomed into his home, Reggie was surrounded by family and friends, and the room resonated with laughter and love, full of cards marking his extraordinary life,” said Vicky.

“To meet Reggie and his family and friends was an honour, and to be able to celebrate with them was a special experience.”

Reggie signed up to Delta CONNECT, an enhanced lifeline and telecare service which helps people to live as independently as possible after he had some health issues and falls at home.

Son Creighton said: “Having the lifeline is peace of mind, knowing that when dad is on his own, he can press the button and he can get help.

“Dad has had the lifeline in place for about 12 years, but we joined CONNECT in August to enhance the level of care and assistance available to him.”

Daughter-in-law Christina added: “Reggie wears his lifeline at all times, it brings him comfort having relied on it for many years and finding additional reassurance since joining CONNECT.”

Over recent months, Reggie’s health has improved and he continues to do his daily activities including riding his exercise bike for 10 miles whilst watching the news, going out in the community and spending time with his loved ones. He wears his lifeline at all times.

Delta Wellbeing is a local authority trading company owned by Carmarthenshire County Council. Delta CONNECT is available across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire and is currently free for the first three months.

It includes technology enabled care packages, pro-active wellbeing calls, access to a 24/7 community response team and other wellbeing support and activities. For more information visit www.deltawellbeing.org.uk or call 0300 3332222.