A WOMAN who had blamed her partner for “persuading” her to defraud her vulnerable victim out of £3,700 has now accepted she was responsible for her offending.

Hannah Roberts was charged with making false representations to Barclays Bank to gain access to her victim’s account. She then made nine payments between December 17, 2021, and January 20, 2022, to herself totalling £3,729.

The court previously heard that Roberts had called the bank “posing as the complainant” to “encourage the transferring of money”.

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On her previous appearance in court, Roberts entered guilty pleas to the charges, but on the basis that she was “persuaded by a partner” to continue making the payments.

A Newton Hearing was scheduled for Wednesday, September 20 to determine what had taken place.

However, ahead of the hearing David Leathley, defending, said Roberts now fully accepted the charges.

“On mature reflection, she does not want to pursue this basis,” he said.  

Roberts, 20, of Corporation Close in Llanelli, had previously claimed the money was gifted to her to be used to buy Christmas presents.

The court heard the 60-year-old victim was “vulnerable” and suffered from a debilitating condition. The payments continued after he had been moved in to care.

Judge Paul Thomas adjourned sentencing for the preparation of a pre-sentencing report.

“These are very serious matters,” he said.

“With your record, the fact you keep on committing offences, and the very serious nature of these offences there is a very real possibility you will be going to prison.”

 Roberts will be sentenced on Friday, October 13.