Tycroes Park is the latest public space to be vandalised in the local area, not long after the park had undergone a £120,000 development.

Litter found on the floor, rubbish bins kicked over and drug packets left were just some of the things Friends of Tycroes Park volunteers found when they arrived.

This comes not long after the development project had introduced raised beds, footpaths, woodland improvements and 40 bird boxes.

Another of the park’s improvements was the introduction of a fairy woodland for young children of the area and an area for teenagers and young adults to socialise.

A notice put up in the woodlands area of the park from Friends of Tycroes Park said: “If you are involved in the recent vandalism in the area, you really need to be ashamed.

“The facility has been developed solely for children and youths of our village to enjoy.

"A fairy adventure woodland for the young children to wonder at, and seating benches for the youth to sit with their friends, and recently a litter bin placed.


“When the park volunteers turned up to see what had taken place, it was a total disgrace.

“The brand new litter bin had been pushed over and kicked, glass beer bottles were smashed onto stones, small empty packets which had contained drugs were strewn around. All this where the little ones come to view where the fairies live and play.

“The message to those responsible is clear from the Friends of Tycroes Park – Keep away, you do not deserve access to this woodland, and are not welcome.”

Clive Hanham, vice chairman of Friends of Tycroes Park, said: “We’re only a small group of volunteers; six of us at the moment, and we do what we can to keep the park decent. This recent episode, it’s really demoralised us.

“Vandalism at the park has been an ongoing problem which started last year.

"We’ve got a lovely tennis and football area with astro turf, and some bloody youngsters were caught on CCTV setting the astro turf on fire last year, melting a big patch of it with hundreds of pounds worth of damage.

“Now, the stupid buggers have gone and smashed the park’s woodlands area, so soon after the opening and celebration. It’s demoralised us all.”