A REQUEST to remove planning conditions on a controversial Ammanford development has been submitted.

Proposals to remove three conditions on plans that will see the former Lloyds Bank in Quay Street, Ammanford, become three flats and an office building have been put in front of Carmarthenshire County Council.

The conditions looking to be removed would force a detailed damp report to be published prior to development starting, a structural survey to be completed prior to development, and drawings of new doors to be submitted prior to development.

The development had caused controversy following complaints to the Wales Audit Office and Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about the approval given.

Councillor Rob James said he was concerned about the size of the grant and the decision-making process relating to its award by councillor Emlyn Dole.

In his letter to auditors and the ombudsman, Cllr James said the former Lloyds Bank on 1 Quay Street, Ammanford, was sold for £120,000 three years ago.

He said: “The Ammanford Regeneration Fund has a fixed budget of £300,000 and it is intended to provide prospects of immediate job creation.

“We are concerned that almost half of the total budget of this regeneration fund has been granted to a private landlord, with little evidence that it meets the programme’s criteria of creating jobs in the Amman Valley.”

Plaid council leader Emlyn Dole responded to the complaint, saying the claims made by his rival were “totally outrageous”, and accused him of “blatant political mischief”.

The Wales Audit Office quashed concerns that public money had been mishandled by Carmarthenshire County Council.

The Auditor General for Wales confirmed he was satisfied with the council’s procedures and confirmed the Wales Audit Office would be taking no further action.

In a letter, he said: “We have found no evidence to suggest that the assessment of applications for grant funding under the scheme lacked objectivity or was undertaken outside the documented procedure.

“We are satisfied that decisions to progress applications beyond the initial assessment stage were taken on the professional advice of council officers.”