MONDAY was the day that Christians remembered Saint Matthew, he was one of Jesus’s disciples.

Before Jesus called him he was a hated tax collector working for the Roman occupiers of his country. Tax collectors were so unpopular because not only were they turncoats, but also because they greedily extracted too much money from people to feather their own nests.

Amazingly, Jesus was willing to give this unscrupulous rogue a second chance to turn over a new leaf. He gives you and me the same opportunity.

Matthew was eager to respond to the call of Jesus because he was discontented with his way of life. Although he had lots of money and material things he still was not happy or contented. He felt empty inside. So he turned his back on materialism and turned to Jesus because he found something that money could not buy: fulfilment, satisfaction, security and joy.

Jesus filled the gap in this man's life.

I know that it's nice to have fine things and a bit of money behind you, but at the end of the day these things cannot bring you lasting joys and deep satisfaction in life, especially when sickness and bereavement arise.

Only a spiritual dimension to life can meet our deepest need in the face of all of life's circumstances. Wise indeed is the man or woman who like, Matthew, turns their backs on materialism and turns their face to Jesus.

This week’s thought: There are some things in life that money cannot buy.