Plaid Cymru MP Jonathan Edwards has used a House of Commons debate to demand an urgent review of the arrangement between the British Government Treasury and the Miners Pension Scheme (MPS).

In a deal brokered by the last British Labour Government, the UK Treasury receives 50% of all surpluses generated by the MPS in return for guaranteeing the Scheme. Analysts calculate that the Treasury has accumulated nearly £8 Billion over the last two decades at a rate of £1million a day.

Jonathan Edwards MP said:"The deal brokered by the last Labour British Government has worked out extremely well for the London Treasury, accumulating nearly £8billion from the scheme.

"In reality the Miners Pension Scheme has proven to be extremely profitable and safe, and it is quite frankly a disgrace that the British Government keeps on raking in vast sums from the miners' own money. These surpluses should be reinvested in the Scheme to ensure more money goes to former miners and their families.

"The argument of the British Government is that their guarantee is the reason why the MPS has proven to be so successful over recent years. This is only true to a point. The issue is not the guarantee, it is the extravagant share the British Government is demanding in return with zero risk to themselves.

"Miners and their families are extremely proud people. I've met Miners who struggle to breathe as a result of their industrial injuries, but never complain about their ill health directly caused by their dangerous working conditions. The very least they deserve is respect and dignity from the British Government.

"In the debate I called for an urgent independent review of the current Treasury - MPS arrangement so that a fairer settlement is introduced which reflects the real risk to the British Government and puts more money in the pockets of former miners and their families."