You are invited to St John’s Hall on Monday, December 15 at 7.30pm to take part in a Beetle Drive, if you’ve never heard of let alone taken part in such an event now is your opportunity!

It can’t be likened to any form of card or board game, it is unique and hilarious as everyone tries to put legs, wings and heads on their Beetles - I suppose you could say it’s a mad sort of Bingo without the huge payouts! The evening is being hosted by Llandeilo Town Twinning, £2 entrance fee which includes a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine. The next event the Town Twinning are organising is on January 27 in the Angel and will be a “Poets and pints” evening with Malcolm Parr. At the recent AGM the officers and committee were elected with Robert Jones remaining as chairman, Roz Bellamy is the new vice chair, Mair Griffith the new secretary and Penny Wall has agreed to continue to be the treasurer. The dates were confirmed that our friends from Le Conquet will be coming to stay on Easter Sunday, April 12 for 5 days. Should anyone wish to become involved with this visit and perhaps host a family, a couple or a single person call the chairman Robert Jones 01558 822762 or secretary Mair Griffith 01558 822588, or come along on December 15 and meet everyone.