Shh! Don't mention the War to the Germans. Or, it seems, mention the Llangadog shootings to the NHS.

For, according to Carmarthenshire Health Board, continuing reference to Llangadog' brings a negative connotation',(I quote from their minutes) and its never to be mentioned in official papers again. So lessons having been learned, we can all forget about the unsavoury business as soon as possible.

Then, presumably, we can forget what the lessons were about. And decide it's all been a waste of money and cut the services brought in when it was disclosed the mental health service in west Wales was a joke which made little effort to prevent a predictable murder/suicide.

As we do not want any sensitive bureaucrats upset, perhaps we should change Llangadog's name. The village the government forgot' might be a possibility. It probably sounds good in Welsh.

While the pointless Carmarthenshire Health Board is busy forgetting about Llangadog, its members might as well go the whole hog and forget about Hitler and Pol Pot as well. They've clearly forgotten Nye Bevan already - and seemingly any common sense they were taught by their parents.

Roll on the day we can forget there ever was a Carmarthenshire Health Board. We can be sure they'll never be remembered for any good they did.