RESIDENTS have been told that planning experts are powerless to stop a controversial phone mast near their homes.

The residents packed into the Hazlemere Parish Council offices to protest at the planned eight metre mast to be put up near their homes in Sawpit Hill. They fear that the mast may pose a risk to the health of their children.

David Millard, who lives in Sawpit Hill, said many residents felt parish councillors had deserted them on the issue.

"Residents have every cause to be concerned," he said, adding: "Councillors are there to represent the community."

Mike Russell, senior planning officer and Rod Marshall, environmental health officer from Wycombe District Council, were at the meeting on Tuesday of last week to answer residents' fears.

Mr Marshall, who assesses the potential health risks of phone masts, said government guidance on the issue had to be considered.

"I think the balance of evidence indicates there is no general risk to the health of people living near base stations."

He did say evidence uncovered in the Stewart Report, examining the effects of base stations and masts, pointed to a potential risk for children. Despite this, Mr Russell explained that the mast in question is a permitted development and the council has no power to refuse planning permission.

Glaston Richards, who lives opposite the planned mast, said both the parish and district council should object.

He said: "These things are right near our bedrooms and we have kids in there. The mast faces houses. People are stopping them being put up on schools and kids are only there part of the days."

A spokesman for Orange said there is no conclusive evidence linking radio waves, transmitter masts and long-term health risks.