IF McDonald's gets its way, the golden arches will greet thousands of motorists as they make their way into High Wycombe.

It would be a travesty if the plan to build the restaurant on a site just off the M40 at Loudwater, went ahead.

Hundreds of residents living nearby are fighting as hard as they can to persuade councillors to turn down the application.

Their views should be supported by those with the power to reject this plan.

London Road is already a bottleneck for commuters trying to make their way to and from work every day.

Having a fast foot outlet there will only increase the problem and make the road even more dangerous for pedestrians.

McDonald's denies that it will cause a massive litter problem but homeowners have every right to be sceptical.

We already have a McDonald's in High Wycombe so why do restaurant bosses feel the need to build another one?

The company says it brings benefits to the community through different projects.

We don't want McDonald's benefits in Loudwater as there is too big a price to pay.