I CAN'T understand why you keep on receiving letters in favour of the Central Railway from people who obviously have not studied the arguments of those against it.

They seem to think that it would remove as much traffic from the M40 as switched from the A40 to the M40 when it was built. As the Central Railway scheme is for traffic to the East Midlands and the North West, little of which uses the M40, this argument is a no-hoper.

They also look upon the existing railway line as having rights to exist of its own as it was built before many of the houses in the town. "This well-established line is but a shadow of its former self. It deserves to be well used for the benefit of all". (Mr Mansbridge's letter last week).

This is like saying that the M40 should have been built as an enlarged A40, knocking down half the town centre if necessary, rather than go round the town.

The nostalgic memories of living near to the existing railway 50 years ago are nothing like what life would be like with 2,500-ton freight trains rushing through at up to 80mph.

Just look at the damage done last week by one half as heavy travelling at half the speed.

M P Coombs (Ms), Abbots Way, High Wycombe