LIME trees are causing chaos for the parish and district council, but councillors can't decide on the best way to solve the problem.

The 24 trees on The Green, Wooburn Green, have been causing problems for more than a year and the issue has been the hot topic at full Wooburn Parish Council meetings and its open spaces committee.

Residents and businesses around The Green have complained to the parish council in recent months because they are losing light.

Parish councillors, at a committee meeting on Tuesday, were still unable to make a decision because of a previous visit from David Williams, Wycombe District Council arboriculturist.

Mr Williams told the parish council last month that the council would like to carry out selective pollarding of the trees because they are in a conservation area and they would look better.

But the parish council wants to pollard the trees, which has been the custom up until the late 80s.

"It was never the intention for the limes to grow to fully mature trees," explained Cllr John Dalton (Ind, The Wooburns).

"We agreed we would go down the pollarding plan. I think we should try harder to get the district council to agree to pollarding."

The Green is a conservation area so the parish council is obliged to submit a planning application.

Parish councillors say the district council is likely to refuse planning permission if it is not in agreement.

Mr Williams added: "Pollarding is a good way to manage re-growth but we would be left with trees that look pretty ugly. Selective pollarding with promote selective regrown and is more attractive."

The parish council committee has agreed to meet with a district council arboriculturist on The Green to discuss and look at the problem they want resolve the problem quickly.