A BUS station is being classed as a cleaner, safer place to be after a private security firm was introduced to police the area.

Police and bus company officials say High Wycombe Bus Station had become a gathering point for drunks and tramps who were sleeping on buses and using them as toilets.

They say both staff and passengers felt intimidated in the area at night.

Former bus station owners, the Wycombe Bus Company, introduced a guard and German shepherd dog to the facility from a private security firm in early December and new owners, the Arriva Bus Company, and town centre police say the situation has greatly improved.

Nigel Eggleton, commercial director of Arriva, said: "All our staff at High Wycombe were grateful to see the presence of the security staff.

"The cleanliness of our vehicles has improved because we did have a number of tramps and other undesirables using our vehicles for the night and using our buses as a toilet.

"That has all come to a halt.

"The previous intimidating situation has been removed so it is a far, far safer station than it was."

Sgt John Blankenback, town centre officer, said: "They have a dog handler who is employed pretty much through the night.

"There is now a security presence during the night which has dramatically reduced the problems they have had.

"It has shown a reduction in crime and the anti-social behaviour they were experiencing.

"A down and out might have spent a night sleeping on the buses and the staff were in no position to move them on.

"From a town centre perspective it has been very useful to have the security there."

Sgt Blankenback said the police used to be called to the bus station as much as five times a week but that has dropped dramatically after the security measures were introduced.