APPARENTLY the amount of 'landfill' availability for Wycombe District is approaching saturation and alternative methods will have to be considered for the elimination of domestic refuse.

The Government is proposing a number of new, giant, refuse burning plants, but, before any decision is made with regards to Wycombe District will they please look at Newcastle-upon-Tyne with special reference to the Byker area?

Apparently ashes from their refuse incinerating plant were given to a wide range of allotment holders for paths and for groundings for the hens etc.

Unfortunately, subsequent research has proved that this mixed ashes has some 350 times the EEC minimal content of Dioxin which is the most lethal and destructive material known to man.

The hens and their eggs are as lethal as anything from Chernobyl and so there has to be wholesale slaughter and serious examination of those children who have eaten the eggs of these chickens!

The result is that Newcastle is as Dioxin polluted as Chernobyl.

Could we council taxpayers be told what is proposed for Wycombe when the infilling becomes saturated and alternatives have to be found!

Bill Purdie

West Street
