HAVING read the report on page nine concerning 'Flowers must go from graves' in the Bucks Free Press dated July 20, I was appalled at the treatment by members of the council to members of the public attending graves.

When the bereaved bury relatives and friends, it is not the right time to read the small print, as you wish them to do.

Why can't the Cryers Hill Burial Ground be more like a garden of remembrance. Why should there not be flowers, trees and shrubs planted, so that relatives and friends can go there to find peace and be alone with their thoughts?

I find the council's reason concerning rules, regulations and bye-laws a guidance for the wise and obedience by fools.

In this case, the council is being made to look very foolish.

I should also like the council to clarify its position on health and safety?

I should also like to see more compassion and common sense.

C W Barnard

Fox Road

Holmer Green