CUNNING cops have found a way round the law by sticking anti-car crime posters inside businesses after the posters were banned from the streets.

Police in Beaconsfield Old Town had been told by South Bucks District Council that their gaudy posters would not look right in the conservation area.

The Free Press first reported the story last month, but since then bright bobbies have got round the wrangle by popping into businesses and sticking up their car crime posters inside premises.

Sgt Gerry Lister, who has masterminded the campaign, was out in force with his colleagues pinning up posters this week.

He said: "We were told 'no' when we asked if we could put the posters up but we found a way to get round the law."

Officers launched the campaign in Beaconsfield to tackle car crime problems in the Old Town.

The posters warn motorists not to leave valuables in their cars.