I WONDER how many readers of your excellent coverage of the flooding in Pound Lane, Marlow, appreciate the full extent of the misery the flooding inflicted upon affected residents throughout the long period between October and July?

Are they aware how ineffective our councils and councillors were when faced with this situation?

The road and pavements were flooded. Irresponsible walkers, joggers, cyclists and the odd vehicle bypassed the floods, trespassed across private land, invaded residents' privacy, damaged gardens, causing untold distress to home owners, while responsible folk including many elderly were forced to take long detours.

The official response to this has been disgraceful. A suggested quick remedy of a low platform footpath raised above a short length of pavement along the northern side of the road was rejected as impractical by Mr Cunningham, Bucks County Council engineer responsible for highways. Cllr Bendyshe-Brown, in his new role as Wycombe District Council's customer services portfolio holder accepts this explanation although neither he or Mr Cunningham have explained what the impracticality is and I doubt if they ever could, as design and construction of such a temporary walk-way is a simple inexpensive matter.

I suspect the hand of the council's exchequer and/or its lawyers lies behind the council's refusal to act and if that is the case then that is an even bigger disgrace.

Where were our councillors? What contribution did they make to help these beleaguered members of the community? Not a lot. They appeared to have been disinterested and achieved nothing. In contrast you can believe that had the problem arisen on one of their doorsteps or that of a senior council official you could be sure that the problem would have been resolved pdq.

This is a very bad way for the council to reward householders paying so much in council tax. It remains a public scandal that the authorities chose for seven long months to treat council taxpayers in this shameless fashion. There must be no repeat when the floods return. Then a temporary footpath must be provided.

John D Burnham

Harwood Road
