I WAS very interested to read about the reported EU anti-democratic conspiracy to set up regional government in England. We already have a degree of regional government in England and that is a good thing.

The danger is, however, that it is being taken over by the Committee of the Regions the EU's newest institution. Their website (www.cor.eu.int) states that its '222 members represent local and regional authorities within the EU system, and must be consulted on most proposals for EU legislation affecting the regions'.

This leads to an organisation which is no longer responsible to its region or electorate but, like our own Parliament, subordinate to an almost invisible EU institution which is guided by its own agenda, desire to regulate and control from the centre.

Not only that but it is an attempt to ignore Westminster totally. After all, are the Houses of Parliament involved in or consulted about EU decision making?

No. So the jump straight down to the regional councils is a clear attempt to nullify any power that remains with Westminster.

The time has come to restore our sovereignty and the accountability of our law-makers and rulers.

Robert Nock

Election agent to

Christopher Cooke

UK Independence Party

candidate for Wycombe

Web: www.ukip-wycombe.org.uk

Email: UKIP-Wycombe@bigfoot.com

Tel: 0870 765 8547