I WOULD like if I may, to reply to two of the letters in last Friday's Free Press regarding the European Union.

One was from Robert Nock and one from someone who for some unknown reason, wanted to be nameless.

I feel their attitudes to the EU, to say the least, are without thought, and narrow minded.

Let me explain. I personally believe that had the European Union been formed say 100 years ago, World War I, starting in 1914 would most probably have been avoided.

In which case the Hitler era ending in 1945 would not have happened and the 40 million plus killed in horrendous circumstances including, may I say, over 55,000 of my comrades in Bomber Command all volunteers and mostly in their late teens or early 20s would have hopefully lived out their lives in full, like the two writers!

Furthermore in the 49 years since the launch of a European Union was in its infancy, the European mainland has largely enjoyed peace in the process of which aborting WWIII.

I also believe that if Europe was still fragmented the then Soviet Union would have second thoughts on rejecting communism and the cold war might still be a reality!

And from a personal point of view the severe stomach wound I suffered by German flak over Dortmund requiring 38 stitches on landing, and severe concussion and a damaged shoulder and knee when our Lanc crash-landed on returning from a big raid on Essex would not have happened!

Mr J Simmonds

Hordern Close
