IN his election address the Conservative candidate Mr Goodman says he supports selection to secondary schools.

Mr Hague says he has no plans to reintroduce the 11+. It is a promise he keeps repeating.

Mr Goodman says that the Conservative Party will set schools free from Labour's bureaucracy and red tape whilst Mr Hague says he will set schools free from the bureaucracy and waste created by the local education authorities by abolishing the local education authorities.

There is also much talk of "free schools" whatever that means?

Since the 11+ is the device by which selection operates, and here in Bucks the 11+ is administered and funded by Bucks County Council (the LEA), how can the Conservatives support selection, not reintroduce the 11+, and abolish local education authorities all at the same time?

They may call this commonsense politics - I call it "Hague-ernomics".

Mr M Rose

Green Hill

High Wycombe