I AM writing in response to, and in agreement with, the letters published over the last few weeks from concerned members of the public regarding the re-homing (or not, as the case quite clearly is) of unwanted cats and kittens.

I felt strongly enough myself to write a few years ago on the very same subject so it would appear that things have not improved.

I wonder how many animals have been either destroyed or have been subjected to months or indeed years in these animal shelters because of these organisations and their unrealistic criteria.

I still have the same two beautiful cats as I had then, both nearly six, very healthy and contented and I hasten to add, none the worse for having an owner who works.

Personally, I believe that the RSPCA, Blue Cross and Cats Protection League have very misguided views regarding suitability.

In my opinion, they should either allow people to take on these unfortunate animals or they should stop highlighting a problem that ultimately they are sustaining.

Tracey Slade

Telford Way
