I HAVE just returned from a walk around Beaconsfield Old Town.

It was a very pleasant summer's day and I should have come back home feeling good.

This was not so as the state of the Old Town is a disgrace.

Outside so called "up-market" offices and shops was litter, cigarette butts and weeds.

Twice I passed people standing outside their places of work smoking fair enough, but the cigarette ends are left on the pavement when they go inside. It seems that people don't care a fig what their business looks like on the outside.

The local residents' association is trying very hard to keep the Old Town as attractive as possible under very difficult circumstances, ie poor parking facilities and appalling infrastructure.

If the local business community could make an effort it would make all the difference. Those with frontages, get your brooms out and sweep up!

I must, however, praise the Santella Restaurant, Aylesbury End. They are always washing down their front and cleaning outside but then, they do come from the Mediterranean.

If we all take a pride in living or working in the Old Town then perhaps the pupils from our various schools would also make an effort to put their litter in the bins.

Margaret Wraight, Old Town Close, Beaconsfield