FARMERS, ethnic minorities and youngsters could be the unusual mix invited along to police meetings with the help of a £25 incentive.

Thames Valley Police Authority's community consultative committee put forward the proposals to get 'focus groups' to come along with a cash incentive.

Francis Robinson, who attended the committee, said although meetings concerned with all aspects of policing are held on a regular basis throughout the year they are not known for record attendances by the public.

He added: "People cannot afford to take the time off work and they are not really going to sit on their stumps at a three-hour meeting unless they are paid to do it.

"We decided we were not getting a good enough cross-section of the public and many other police forces pay to get this so we thought it might be a good idea."

Market research agency, Field Control, are set to begin recruiting people this month for 'focus groups', such as individuals with families and people belonging to ethnic minorities.

The police will pay individuals £25 for each meeting they attend.

Guy Bailey, spokesman for Thames Valley Police, said: "It is difficult getting anyone to these meetings.

"People are quite happy to write in and complain about the police to letters pages in newspapers but they won't come along to the meetings to give feedback."