THE Hughenden Allotments and Gardens Association's plant sale will be next Saturday, May 19, outside the village hall at 10am. Members may take plants or garden sundries for sale. Ten per cent of the profits go to the village hall fund each year. HAGA's usual Wednesday evening trading store will be closed on May 16.

AS The National Trust has now opened access to Hughenden Manor, St Michael's Church (in the park) will now be fully open again for bellringer and choir practices, Church House teas and all other regular church activities. Baptisms, weddings, civil marriage blessings and funerals, at the time of writing, still require permission from church wardens. The manor and the church have both been fairly isolated while the foot and mouth restrictions have been in force. The public have been most supportive.

THE younger children's disco is at the village hall on Friday, for children between seven and 11-years-of-age, from 6pm to 7.30pm for £3 at the door.

HUGHENDEN Art Group's Chinese Painting Workshop will be on Saturday between 10am and 4pm, at the village hall. Non-members will be welcome. The cost will be £13.50 for the day. Coffee and tea will be provided, but own packed lunches need to be brought.

HUGHENDEN Residents Association AGM is on Tuesday, May 15, at the village hall. All residents will be welcome and there will be a talk entitled Hughenden Estate Recent Acquisitions and Hidden Places, by Neil Harris, a member of the National Trust, after the business of the AGM.