A mother-of-eight from Ammanford has been selected to be the face of a new campaign after graduating from The Open University despite caring for her disabled husband and three of her children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Tracy Hutchinson graduated with a first-class honours degree in English Language and Literature with help from Student Finance Wales and has recently began studying towards a masters in Creative Writing with hope that she can help support her family by writing novels from home.

The 44-year-old always wanted to study for a degree and follow her dream of becoming a writer, however, after having to give-up her job to care full-time for her disabled husband and children, Tracy thought it would be impossible to reach her goal.

Yet, as a result of spending more time at home caring for her family, she decided to use her spare time to study for a degree to help make her dream of becoming an author a reality.

“My husband was a construction site-manager and the sole breadwinner, while I brought up our children,” she said.

“One morning, when I was expecting our seventh child, he woke up and could not move. A virus had attacked his immune system, causing him to develop rheumatoid arthritis and interstitial lung disease. His condition is very debilitating, and as a result, he had to give-up work”

“I was drawn to the Open University because of the flexible study options, which means that I can fit my studies around my personal commitments, as a full-time carer for my husband and children.

“I wouldn’t have been able to study for a degree had it not been for the funding options and grants available at the Open University– it’s so perfect for me and my situation as it means that I can complete my studies without having an impact on my family.”

Prior to starting her degree, Tracy had written a number of unpublished children’s novels. After completing her degree, she was able to turn her passion for literature into a reality and has pursued a number of paid-writing opportunities, including proofreading and editing work, to earn extra income for her family – all whilst working remotely from home.

Although Tracy’s journey did not come without its financial obstacles, she has been able to progress and learn new skills due to the funding available to her.

“When funding for post-graduate study became available in Wales, I enrolled on the MA in Creative Writing. People still ask me ‘how do you do it all? But, I am well organised and have lists and timetables to help organise everybody else too.

“I have another year of study to complete my masters’ degree, and I am looking forward to it. People often say, ‘you can’t do it’, but you really can.”

Tracy is now starring in the new Diamond Funding campaign which tells the stories of students who have been able to study for a degree due to funding options being made available by the Welsh Government.