For those who have been living in a cave for the past six months and have only just emerged, tomorrow is polling day in the 2015 general election. The rest of us know only too well.

It is the one day when we can all have our say – and it is vitally important that we grasp that opportunity.

It matters not whether you plan to vote Labour, Plaid, Tory, Green or whoever, what is important is that you do vote.

We have all heard the line that people died for the right to vote, or that there are countries in the world where such a right is beyond the wildest dreams of everyday folk.

Well here it is our right and it available to each and every one of us.

There are people who will say – and who honestly believe – that no party has the answers and no politician speaks for them, and that view is perfectly acceptable.

But those people should not sit on their hands: they should get down to their nearest polling station, draw a line through all the candidates and write “none of the above”.

Spoiling your ballot is your right just as much as it is to put an X by someone’s name.

What no one has the right to do is moan about the world then do absolutely nothing about it.

So get out there and vote, who knows you might just make a difference.