This week marks the start of the National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) #BeWaterAware campaign.

The initiative aims to raise awareness about the risk of accidental drowning and provide safety advice ahead of the warmer months.

In 2022, 266 lives were lost to accidental drowning in the UK.

The fatalities were all deemed preventable tragedies and the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is joining the call for people to stay safe in and around water.

The #BeWaterAware campaign began on April 22 and will run until April 28.

Statistics reveal that 40 percent of people who accidentally drowned had no intention of entering the water, and the cause of these accidents are often due to slips, trips, and falls.

Males account for 87 percent of these accidental fatalities, of which 60 percent are in inland waters such as rivers, reservoirs, and lakes.

Richie Felton, head of community safety for Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, said: "It is particularly poignant to learn that 40% of people who drown each year had no intention of going into the water and were undertaking everyday activities such as running or walking near water hazards.

"It's important to be aware of the risks and be prepared in case you do accidently end up in the water.

"By highlighting this issue and providing some simple safety messages we hope to reduce the number of these needless and preventable deaths.”

The campaign shares lifesaving advice, such as sticking to proper pathways and maintaining a safe distance from water bodies.

Additionally, it advises against entering the water under the influence of alcohol or attempting to rescue individuals or animals, and instead, to call 999 and use any water rescue equipment if it is available.

Dawn Whittaker, drowning prevention lead for NFCC, said: “Simple advice to ‘Call, tell, throw’ and ‘Float to Live’ are lifesaving messages which fire services share to help reduce these preventable deaths and the devastating impact they have on families and communities.”

The campaign also advises people to familiarise themselves with local safety information, whether at home or abroad, and to ensure children are fully supervised.

For more information on #BeWaterAware campaign, go to