An Ammanford-based community council has received vital lifesaving equipment from a charity set up in memory of a youngster who fell into a river in Carmarthenshire.

Carmarthenshire Water Safety Partnership was founded in August 2015 after 11-year-old Cameron Comey fell into the River Towy in Carmarthen.

Despite a huge search and rescue response, Cameron was never found.

The organisation is able to provide essential peer support to families in Wales who have gone through the process of water related fatalities losing a loved one and the charity is currently supporting families in Llandeilo, Swansea, Pembroke and Carmarthen.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “We are increasing drowning prevention education and awareness raising work with various partners while also leading innovative projects to the benefit of the wider public in South West Wales.

“Partners we have worked with to date include Welsh Government, Carmarthenshire County Council, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioners and Gwendraeth Valley Paddlers to name a few.”

Chairman of the charity Adam Whitehouse met members of Betws Community Council last week to reveal the new installed buoy and cabinet at Betws Park to councillors.

Adam said: “When we came to Betws Park six weeks ago there was only the back of the buoy cabinet left after vandals damaged the equipment. “It costs £230 to purchase a new buoy and a cabinet.

"Damaging a cabinet is now classed as a criminal offence. The new buoy on the bridge at Betws Park has a grid code inserted on the front which residents must tell the emergency services if in an emergency. The teams will then know exactly where they are.”

Annette Price, chairperson of Betws Community Council added: “We are extremely grateful to Carmarthenshire Water Safety Partnership for providing us with a lifesaving buoy, which is an extremely vital piece of equipment at Betws Park with River Amman flowing through it.

If anyone wants to get in touch with the charity, the group can arrange a meeting to talk through what support and opportunities are available to you. 

Email the charity or ring 07966320198 anytime.