PITHY, topsy-turvy and utterly engaging, Hijinx Theatre present two one-act shows at Garnswllt Welfare Hall that will play with your perspective on life and make you question the way you see things.

The double bill includes Snooks Brothers Aquatic, a disruptive comedy in which the Snooks Brothers, seeking recruits for their all-male synchronized swimming team, have come up with a series of initiation tests for some brave hopefuls amongst the crowd.

This 40 minute show is paired with Flossie & Jet, a delightful and poignant interactive performance featuring two ageing companions who are on a journey to find a new family and a place to live. Both shows are performed with just one actor with learning disabilities and one without, and promise an enchanting, hilarious and memorable experience for all the family.

The Pods mark a new and innovative way of touring for Cardiff-based Hijinx, who pioneer opportunities for learning disabled actors. Designed with the audience playing a central role in the action, the Pods are portable and flexible enough to perform in a variety of spaces, from studio theatre to venue foyer, café, street or field.

Snooks Brothers Aquatic and Flossie & Jet form part of a collection of five interactive comic gems from Hijinx Theatre, alongside three existing Pods: the much-loved Snooks Brothers Bank, which has toured extensively in the UK and Europe; Snoutology for Beginners and The Waiting Room which premiered at Wales Millennium Centre in Summer 2013.

The double bill will be performed at Garnswllt Welfare Hall on August 19 at 2pm. To book tickets call 07749 835542.